Gastrointestinal textbooks describe a normal bowel movement as a solid mass of formed faecal matter. They also state that it is normal to have one bowel movement a day or three a week. This is probably normal for someone eating a heavily processed and overly acidic diet. However, it's not normal! People who eat a complete whole-food, plant-strong, diet or perhaps a vegetarian diet tend to have three regular bowel movements a day.
A healthy bowel movement is soft and unformed, not hard or watery, and it should break up when the toilet is flushed. It may have texture but it shouldn't have much if the food is chewed correctly to begin with.
Ayurvedic Medicine states "If your stool sinks - you are sinking" In other words, a healthy bowel movement should basically float in water and should happen effortlessly without having to strain.
If bowel movements have to be forced, if they are painful, or happen less than two or three times a day, the colon is impacted and constipated.
When the bowel is severely constipated or impacted, you may find you have alternating bowel movements and that your colon will produce diarrhoea to flush out the putrid waste and hardened faecal matter with a lot of liquid. Unless diarrhoea has become severe and the person is dehydrated the last thing you should be doing is to stop the colon from eliminating, especially, with pharmaceutical drugs. Much better to take immediate action by changing your diet.
If the average person has only three bowel movements a week and is supposed to have up to three a day, then by the end of the week they are eighteen bowel movements short. By the end of the month, they are seventy-two bowel movements behind. And by the end of the year, they have an eight hundred and sixty-four thousand bowel movement deficit! When the average person is eighty years old they are about seventy thousand bowel movements behind. It's no wonder the body starts to break down and is feeling old.
With a better understanding of how our digestion and elimination ought to work, we can focus on correcting, healing, and supporting any physical weaknesses by learning how to cleanse, detoxify, and eliminate old putrid faecal matter that has been accumulating and glueing itself to the intestinal walls over the years, which will result in much better health and vitality.