An essential step to feeling really well and enjoying the ongoing benefits of great health is an often overlooked step, and most likely because it's not a subject that's openly discussed very much.
It is, however, important that we understand the system of elimination because taking care of our digestive and eliminatory processes is vital. I believe that if we discussed bowel habits more openly, a lot fewer people in the world today would be suffering from bowel cancer.
We cannot build a beautiful, healthy body, on an internally stagnant and toxic foundation!
Have you ever experienced being in a stressful or uncomfortable situation and felt your gut do a somersault and clench? It's known that our digestive system is one of the first bodily functions to be affected by stress. For example, some of us find that when we're away from home, or when our normal routine is disrupted, we either stop eliminating altogether or we experience problems with our digestion.
We need a healthy functioning digestive system in order to eliminate toxins. Digestive imbalances and irritable bowel conditions are caused by diets rich in animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. Sugar, processed foods, and other highly refined foods all aggravate the condition, as does dehydration, stress, overeating, and lack of exercise. When the digestive system is overly strained in this way, we face what's known as "auto-intoxication". This basically means we're being poisoned by the putrid waste that's built up in our intestines.
When the large intestine is congested with stagnant waste, the poisons start to back-up into the body and pollute the body's tissues. Toxins that reach the nervous system will cause us to feel irritable and depressed, toxins in the heart area cause weakness, toxins in the stomach will make us bloated, and if the poisons reach our lungs we'll experience having bad breath.
Here are some of the symptoms caused by auto-intoxication: abdominal pain, forgetfulness, acne, haemorrhoidal pain, arthritis, headaches, back pain, inability to concentrate, bad breath, indigestion, bladder infections, insomnia, body odour, irritability, boils, itching, kidney disorders, clammy skin, constipation, muscle inflammation, nausea, drowsiness, sore joints, dry eyes, tics, foot odour, flatulence, and degeneration of organs.
Working towards a healthy bowel and supporting your digestive system in a positive way with dietary and lifestyle changes is a form of self-care that you won't regret!